YOUR heart is opened, the flows of yin and yang are balanced, the cocoon structure is lined up, I capture the energy cast of YOUR new reality state with the medium of photography, keeping all the manifested divine geometry in perfect shape for the manifestation of YOUR new, higher reality
YOU get into a safe atmosphere.

We drink tea, coffee, talk, during this time I observe your mental, physical and energetic state of mind.

Unobtrusively and gently I take you out of the stream of thoughts.
In my field there is a balancing of all the chakras, the stream of consciousness and tuning into the inner space of silence.

After a while, I ask the client to think of his dreams, to think of his best vision of life, where he is happy, to visualize it in detail. When he imagines it, his energy cocoon alignment and attunement with his higher self is triggered. The person enters a state of resourcefulness and the physics relaxes, a smile appears and the heart opens.

A few moments pass and I help you to lower this impression of the mental field into the body, to feel with the body that everything has already happened and you are living, your dreams, in the best case scenario, you don't have to hurry anywhere, run, everything already exists in this moment - here and now. A beautiful grounding takes place. I slowly let you get used to this state, anchor the energy of this state.

At this moment the heart is opened, the flows of yin and yang are balanced, the structure of the cocoon is built I fix the energy cast of the new reality state with the medium of photography, keeping all the manifested divine geometry I ideal geometric form of the new reality to anchor and manifest in the Alchemic Portrait

This is where the journey ends and, begins the process of integrating and unpacking your higher reality.

To support the process of integration and unpacking, YOU are sent a printed photo, which should be placed in a prominent place, the energy of which will return YOU to YOUR IDEAL REALITY
— Valery Latypov
Alchemy portrait is my signature project, my own way of creating a portrait and a creative philosophy.
At least once in life, each one of us has experienced the state of being devoid of fear, doubt and problems. A condition we strive towards in our dreams, a feeling of cleanliness and fullness of life.

Photography for me is a way of developing and fixing this sensation.

It's as if there's a sense of cleansing and genuineness during the shoot process. The state of excitement stays in the photograph.

We all want to keep these moments in our memory - our lives are made of them.

Our cellular and neural memories allow us to remember ourselves in the flash of the shoot, projecting our state at very moment, fixing it in reality.

A person will easily be able to strengthen life's happiest moments simply by looking at the portrait I took.

This soulful and energetic work, I have called Alchemy.

Alchemy Portrait of Irina Hakamada
About the shoot process
Chosen on an individual basis wherever convenient and comfortable for the client.
Shoot duration
Given that each person requires his / her own time to open up, no limits set.
Make-up and styling
Alchemy portrait is primarily about simplicity and sincerity, without signs of glamour. For this reason I haven't collaborated with a make-up artist
or stylist.

However, you are very welcome to choose your own wardrobe and to apply light make-up.
You will receive one portrait printed usinga plastification / softeningmethod, whereby the photograph is pressed between acrylic glass and a hard backed base made from aluminium material. The portrait gains greater depth under acrylic glass, it looks brighter and more intense. Standard size is 60 x 40 cm but can be adjusted to suit.
Cost of Alchemy portrait.
€ 3000
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.